Announcing The Bear River Watershed Conservation Area

The U.S Fish & Wildlife Service is throwing another one at us, and it involves the Bear River - all parts of it in Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho, watersheds included.

The gist of this proposal at having a Conservation Area is that conservation easements would be attempted to be bought from willing sellers (you mean the feds have taken stuff from us unwillingly before? Noooo...).

From the Salt Lake Tribune:

It is an impressive area, one that provides critical habitat for all kinds of wildlife and numerous recreation possibilities for people. This is no wilderness area proposal full of rules and restrictions, but simply a map to provide a starting point for all involved interests to get going in this effort.

A main focus on the Bear River Watershed Conservation Area would be preserving natural resources through conservation easements from — and Thornburg emphasized this — willing sellers. Restoration efforts within the conservation area would be handled by landowners but could involve Fish and Wildlife Service partners like Ducks Unlimited and Trout Unlimited.

So it is a starting point.  Not full of rules and restrictions.  Just a starting point.  Not full of rules and restrictions.  But I would add a "Yet" to that.  Do we really trust that the U.S. F&WS will make this a better area for sportsmen and the public?  Or will this end up being another fight with the State of Idaho, ranchers, and farmers all screaming?
Here is the story.
Here is the U.S. F&WS page on the proposed Conservation Area.

~ J. Bunch

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